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Ehsan (Ethan) Honary

Dr Ethan (Ehsan) Honary

Welcome to my personal website. 

Trainer | Author | Artist | Researcher  


Areas of Interest

Training Specialist

Training Specialist

I am the founder of Skills Converged Ltd., an established supplier of training materials on soft skills, management and productivity. I believe, in the long term, soft skills can do a person much more good than any specific hard skills he or she is ever going to learn.

I am a researcher and teacher on all aspects of learning, training, course design and what makes an exceptional trainer. I regularly run train the trainer training courses, have published well-received "Train the Trainer" books and write articles regularly for the training industry. 

Find out more here.

 Ethan Honary Art


Art, Drawings and Paintings 

I am a figurative artist and create works as a hobby in oil, pastels, pencil and charcoal.

You can see some of my work here.

Robotics and Artificial Intelligence


Artificial Intelligence

My background is in Artificial Intelligence, Psychology and Robotics. Over the years, I have been involved in numerous projects on creating autonomous systems. It is incredibly satisfying to create any form of intelligence. Even when you know the entity is not conscious, it still gives you a sense of magical power when you see it perform a task on its own.

For a summary of what I have been involved in see here.

Total Diplomacy, Risk and Psychology of Influence

Game of Risk

I love board games. I am a keen Risk player and I am forever fascinated by what it takes to win a game against 5 other players who are obsessed with winning and are good at it too. It turns out, much like in real life, that winning and success has a lot to do with the psychology of influence and soft skills than anything else. I have a dedicated website on Risk strategies where I tend to explore this idea in depth. If you are a Risk fan, check I will be very interested to learn about your views and see what you think of my strategies.  

More details here.